[news.admin] Quasi-local newsgroup

dspoon@ncratl.Atlanta.NCR.COM (dspoon) (04/18/89)

I'd like to create 2 newsgroups to be used to discuss various topics on a
new project now starting up.  I have hopes of being able to set up one
newsgroup to discuss software issues for the project, and another for
hardware.  I've found info on how to create a "local" newsgroup for this.
The problem is that several different plants in different locations are
involved and need to be able to pick up these 2 newsgroups to cause
information sharing between the large number of involved "experts" at the
sites.  Thus, the subject "quasi-local".
The distribution would need to be just in our division, which covers
several states in the US and one site in another country:  several machines
in Dayton, OH, several machines here in Atlanta, a machine (or two) in
Oiso, Japan, an some machines in Ithaca, NY.  Get the picture?

The final question, then, is "can I set up a news distribution that
targets specific machines?"

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
-------------------------------David Witherspoon-------------------------------
D.Witherspoon@Atlanta.NCR.COM         | "It's not the code that counts...
NCR Sys Engineering-Retail/Atlanta    |   it's the attitude!"
MY OPINIONS...ALL MINE!!!             |                         - me