[news.admin] rrn installation woes

ellis@unix.SRI.COM (Michael Ellis) (05/11/89)

    I don't know if this is the right newsgroup to ask for help, but
    it stands to reason that surely somebody here has installed rrn.

    I went to ucbvax, ftp'd nntp.1.5 and rrn.39 (which are supposed to
    reasonably current; anyway, nntp.1.5 Installation docs say to get
    version 39, and that's what I got), and lo! Larry Wall's chatty
    Configure script whines because nntp.1.5 lacks critical .h files.
    If I hack out the complaining code in Configure, *all* of the compiles
    fail. (We're running 4.0.3 on Sun4's).

    Evidently, nobody running nntp.1.5 also runs rrn.39, regardless of
    what the source code says, right? If so, just what does it take
    bring rrn up?


barnett@crdgw1.crd.ge.com (Bruce G. Barnett) (05/12/89)

In article <30506@sri-unix.SRI.COM>, ellis@unix (Michael Ellis) writes:
>    Evidently, nobody running nntp.1.5 also runs rrn.39, regardless of
>    what the source code says, right? If so, just what does it take
>    bring rrn up?

I just did this. I got nntp.1.5 with the 3 patches, and
tried to install the patches into my original copy of rn, and found it
easier to get the vanilla version (guess I mangled mine too much :-).

I did a "make client" in the nntp directory. This worked.

nntp included a bunch of patches for rn. I copied them into the ../rn
directory and executed the script to install the patches. This worked.

I think I just ran the Rn configure, and told it the nntp sources were in
../nntp - and it worked reasonably well.

I also build the nntp versions of readnews and vnews before I built rn.

I had to modify Pnews.SH and common.h because rn thought we
had a sitename.UUCP return address instead of a domain address.

Bruce G. Barnett	<barnett@crdgw1.ge.com>  a.k.a. <barnett@[]>
			uunet!steinmetz!barnett, <barnett@steinmetz.ge.com>