[news.admin] soc.singles.nice?

scott@dtscp1.UUCP (Scott Barman) (07/09/89)

I found a message to create soc.singels.nice then two rmgroup requests
but there are people posting to it.  What is the story?  I do not remember
any discussion for this group?  Is this for real?

scott barman
{gatech, emory}!dtscp1!scott

tale@pawl.rpi.edu (David C Lawrence) (07/10/89)

In <822@dtscp1.UUCP> scott@dtscp1.UUCP (Scott Barman) writes:
scott> I found a message to create soc.singels.nice then two rmgroup
scott> requests but there are people posting to it.  What is the
scott> story?  I do not remember any discussion for this group?  Is
scott> this for real?

The group is bogus.  No discussion, no vote.  Additionally, one of the
admins for Portal sent me a message indicating that all evidence
currently had pretty much insures that the original newgroup was a
forgery.   Please rmgroup.

 (setq mail '("tale@pawl.rpi.edu" "tale@itsgw.rpi.edu" "tale@rpitsmts.bitnet"))
        "Drinking coffee for instant relaxation?  That's like drinking
               alcohol for instant motor skills."  -- Marc Price

John_E_Little@cup.portal.com (07/11/89)

Yep, the group is bogus.  We are convinced that the newgroup posting was
a forgery.  If you want the details, please let me know and I'll mail
them to you.