[net.lang.lisp] Pending input check function

pearlmut (12/03/82)

We wanted to play with pipes from Franzlisp, and needed to  check  if  a
pipe  was  empty,  or  if  it had pending characters in its buffers.  We
wrote the following files, which create a C function, load it into Lisp,
and make the proper interface.

The  emptyp.l  file  should  be  liszt'ed,  and the empty.c file must be
compiled with the -c option on.

--------------- The following goes in emptyp.l ---------------

; this is a file to get a function that takes a port and checks if it is
; empty into Lisp.

; Clayton Elwell and Barak Pearlmutter, December 1982

(eval-when (load)
	   (cond ((null (getd '$Cemptyp))
		  (cond ((not (probef 'empty.o)) (exec cc -c empty.c)))
		  (cfasl 'empty.o '_emptyp '$Cemptyp "integer-function"))))

(defun emptyp (p)
       (cond ((not (portp p)) (error `(Non port ,p passed to emptyp)))
	     ((zerop ($Cemptyp (maknum p))) nil)
	     (t t)))

; eof

--------------- The following goes in empty.c ---------------

/*								     */
/* This file defines a function that checks if an input port has any */
/* characters pending in it, when properly loaded into Franz Lisp.   */
/* NOTE that the Franz Lisp manual is misleading (wrong) in that it  */
/* says that when a foreign function is passed an integer, it is     */
/* passed the integer.  It is actually passed a pointer to the       */
/* given integer.						     */
/*								     */
/*		Clayton Elwell and Barak Pearlmutter		     */
/*			December 1982				     */
/*								     */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

FILE ***fptr;
	int count;

	if ((count > 0) || ((**fptr)->_cnt > 0))
		{ return(0); }
	else	{ return(1); };

--------------- END ---------------