(Rich Salz) (03/16/91)
FYI, I just posted my news/mail gateway package to comp.sources.unix. From the README: Introduction ------------ This kit provides two programs for "linking" RFC822 Mail messages and RFC1076 Usenet News articles. Each half of the conversion is handled by a different program, mail2news or news2mail. A few utility programs are also included. With these programs and the right set of mail aliases and news sys and active file entries, it is possible to build any set of moderated, unmoderated, one-way, or bi-directional gateways between any set of news and mail groups and lists that your little heart desires. If you run a small site with a couple of mostly-local mailing lists, you probably don't want to bother setting this stuff up. Instead, either convert everything directly to News, or set up local moderated groups. On the other hand, if you provide gateway service to the Internet (e.g., UCB) or large organization, then this stuff is for you. News, especially with the proliferation of NNTP (RFC977) and related clients, is generally more efficient than mail for disk space, CPU cycles, and network usage. The programs work with Sendmail or MMDF and News 2.11.8 or later. I don't know of anything off-hand that would prevent this from working with C news (did Erik ever say thank you, Henry?). We've only run the programs on BSD hosts, but a start toward a System V port has been made. Who knows, it might even work right now. Erik Fair <> wrote the original version of this package a couple of years ago as "nrecnews" distributed with 2.11 and as "gateway", a very tricky awk/shell/sed script. I got copies, and recoded it all in C. I also completely overhauled nrecnews, changed the names, added some utility programs, and wrote the documentation. It seems pretty solid now, and is processing a few hundred messages a week at BBN and elsewhere. -- Please send comp.sources.unix-related mail to Use a domain-based address or give alternate paths, or you may lose out.