[net.lang.lisp] LISP fix macro

mac (01/22/83)

; The following is a LISP macro which can be used to construct circular
; and otherwise tangled list structures, without a lot of rplacas &
; replacds.  It's somewhat like the LET REC of ISWIM.
; Such a construct is described in Morris & Schwarz, "Computing Cyclic
; List Structures", in the 1980 LISP conference.
; It has the restriction that the results must be cons cells, not atoms.
; This construct is more useful in SCHEME, where it can replace the LABELS
; construct for defining (mutually) recursive functions.  It's convenient
; in that it's not restricted to defining lambda expressions.
; e.g.

(fix ((x (cons 'atom x))) x)    ; constructs a circular list of 'atom
(fix ((loop (list 'cond         ; constructs a loop
		  '(done result)
		  (list 't
	    )     )     )
      (fun  (list 'lambda () loop))
     (fun)                      ; ... and executes it

; (macro source in net.sources)