[news.sysadmin] comp.sources.unix != net.sources != mod.sources

rs@mirror.TMC.COM (Rich Salz) (04/16/87)

A couple of sites have apparently aliased the current unmoderated
newsgroup net.sources to the new moderated newsgroup comp.sources.unix.
THIS IS WRONG!  The article may be okay on one or two sites, but
eventually it will make its way to a site that forwards all un-approved
articles to the moderator in charge.

For almost a week now, I have been getting at least one copy of almost
every article that appears in net.sources.

		/Rich $alz,
		Moderator of mod.sources (soon to be comp.sources.unix)
Rich $alz					"Drug tests p**s me off"
Mirror Systems, Cambridge Massachusetts		rs@mirror.TMC.COM
{adelie, mit-eddie, ihnp4, harvard!wjh12, cca, cbosgd, seismo}!mirror!rs

allbery@ncoast.UUCP (04/20/87)

As quoted from <3103@mirror.TMC.COM> by rs@mirror.TMC.COM (Rich Salz):
| A couple of sites have apparently aliased the current unmoderated
| newsgroup net.sources to the new moderated newsgroup comp.sources.unix.
| THIS IS WRONG!  The article may be okay on one or two sites, but
| eventually it will make its way to a site that forwards all un-approved
| articles to the moderator in charge.
| For almost a week now, I have been getting at least one copy of almost
| every article that appears in net.sources.
| 		/Rich $alz,
| 		Moderator of mod.sources (soon to be comp.sources.unix)

Now I know why I haven't seen so much as a blip in comp.sources.misc.  To those
sites in question, if you have to jump the gun, at least do so *correctly*.

++Brandon Allbery
Moderator of soon-to-be comp.sources.misc (formerly net.sources)
  -------------------- Moderator for comp.sources.misc ----------------------
Brandon S. Allbery	cbatt!cwruecmp!ncoast!allbery		``Aha!  A fair
Tridelta Industries	ncoast!allbery%case.CSNET@relay.cs.net	  maiden!''
7350 Corporate Blvd.	MCIMail: BALLBERY			``Sorry,
Mentor, OH 44060	+01 216 255 1080			  neither.''