[news.sysadmin] I'm tired of this nonsense Was: Re: Larry Lippman vs. Mark Ethan Smith

lbrown@apctrc.UUCP (Lawrence H. Brown) (10/13/87)

I really don't understand what all this baloney is about.

Can't we spend our time on something more constructive and useful?

If any of the three involved in this enormous finger-pointing game were on my
system I would simply drop there access with a report to their supervisor and
a recommendation that they get back to work and stop wasting time.

Enough is enough already!
	Lawrence H. Brown
USENET: ...!uunet!apctrc!cdf!zlhb0a or zlhb0a@cdf.apctrc.uucp (?)
Phone: (918-660-4389) 24 hrs, voice. USmail: 7325 E. 50th, Tulsa, OK 74145
Disclaimer: I paid 25 cents to see the light.  Call it cheap entertainment.

smithsco@utflis.UUCP (10/16/87)

In article <331@apctrc.UUCP> lbrown@apctrc.UUCP (Lawrence H. Brown) writes:
# I really don't understand what all this baloney is about.
# Can't we spend our time on something more constructive and useful?
# If any of the three involved in this enormous finger-pointing game were on my
# system I would simply drop there access with a report to their supervisor and
# a recommendation that they get back to work and stop wasting time.
# Enough is enough already!
# -- 
# 	Lawrence H. Brown

I agree!

Scott Smith.
UUCP:      {{allegra,ihnp4}!{utcsri,utgpu}}!lsuc!utflis!smithsco
OR:        smithsco@flis.toronto.edu [for domainists]
BITNET:    smithsco@utflis.utoronto
BELL-TALK: (416)791-4929