[news.sysadmin] Re. filling my disk

news@jpusa1.UUCP (usenet) (12/29/87)


In article <3727@hoptoad.uucp> gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore) writes:
-I don't understand why the entries are posted with 1 month expiration
-dates, when sites that pathalias the stuff will copy it off somewhere
-else and unpack it anyway, and sites that don't pathalias the stuff
-will want it to go away (or can expire it with local control).

I don't know why we weren't given a little more notice on the impending
change, but, no need to panic.  I'm still at patchlevel 8 (I will upgrade
when things settle - I'm still in no hurry to change with the possibility
of having to hack news to get it to work again - too many times have I
already done this, but I digress) and the interim fix is simple, asuming
you're using uuhosts to unpack the maps.  In the case '-unbatch', do the
|	-unbatch)
|		# Unbatch map articles batched by inews.  Called from cron.
|		if [ -f Batch ]; then
|			:
|		else
|			exit 1
|		fi
|		mv Batch Batch.working
|		for f in `cat Batch.working`
|		do
|			$BIN/uuhosts -x < $f
|			cp /dev/null $f
|			rm $f
|			sleep 60
|		done
|		rm Batch.working
|		exec $BIN/uuhosts -i
|		exit 1
|	;;
Some explanation:
|			cp /dev/null $f
Truncate the original map article lest you fill up the disk while the parent uuhosts is running.
|			rm $f
Unlink it.  You're done with it now, anyway.
Stu Heiss {gargoyle,ihnp4}!jpusa1!stu