bobgian@psuvax.UUCP (Robert S. Giansiracusa) (01/01/84)
Last fall I taught Penn State's first ever undergrad AI course. It attracted 150 students, including about 20 faculty auditors. I've gotten requests from several people initiating AI courses elsewhere; so I have posted information about the course to as a sequence of 7 articles, numbered <380@psuvax.UUCP> to <387@psuvax.UUCP>. (These are item numbers 931 to 938 in the sequence numbers that vnews uses.) I welcome comments and suggestions from all net buddies! -- Bob -- Spoken: Bob Giansiracusa Bell: 814-865-9507 Bitnet: bobgian@PSUVAX1.BITNET Arpa: bobgian%psuvax1.bitnet@Berkeley CSnet: bobgian@penn-state.csnet UUCP: allegra!psuvax!bobgian USnail: Dept of Comp Sci, Penn State Univ, University Park, PA 16802