[news.software.b] rn no longer recognizes Xref: ?

gam@amdahl.UUCP (G A Moffett) (12/18/86)

We are upto patch 39 of rn, and have installed the 2.11 inews,
and somewhere along the way we lost the Xref: recognition feature.
inews is inserting the Xref: line properly (the article numbers are
correct), but rn insists on showing the cross-posted article
even after you have read it once.

Haven't the rest of you been suffering this problem?  What went wrong?
Gordon A. Moffett                             {whatever}!amdahl!gam

" ... that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new government ...."
[ The opinions expressed, if any, do not represent Amdahl Corporation ]

campbell@maynard.BSW.COM (Larry Campbell) (12/19/86)

In article <4744@amdahl.UUCP> gam@amdahl.UUCP (G A Moffett) writes:
>We are upto patch 39 of rn, and have installed the 2.11 inews,
>and somewhere along the way we lost the Xref: recognition feature.
>inews is inserting the Xref: line properly (the article numbers are
>correct), but rn insists on showing the cross-posted article
>even after you have read it once.
>Haven't the rest of you been suffering this problem?  What went wrong?

Yep, it happened to me and I was completely mystified for about a day.
You need to rerun rn's Configure shell script, and when it asks you
if you're running 2.10.3 or later, say "yes".
Larry Campbell                                The Boston Software Works, Inc.
Internet: campbell@maynard.bsw.com          120 Fulton Street, Boston MA 02109
uucp: {alliant,wjh12}!maynard!campbell              +1 617 367 6846
ARPA: campbell%maynard.uucp@harvisr.harvard.edu      MCI: LCAMPBELL

romain@pyrnj.uucp (Romain Kang) (12/19/86)

You might also examine Configure by hand.  When I applied the
ill-distributed patch #29, it messed my Configure and placed
outside the conditional section.  I guess part of the blame sits
on me since I kept on re-trying patch 29 automatically before I
gave up and applied it by hand.

I didn't discover this until several iterations of Configure/make/rn
still didn't respect the Xref line...
Romain Kang		{allegra,cmcl2,mirror,pyramid,rutgers}!pyrnj!romain
Pyramid Technology Corp. / 10 Woodbridge Center. Dr / Woodbridge, NJ  07095

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