[news.software.b] Efficiency improvement for rnews unbatching

jerry@oliveb.UUCP (02/02/87)

When rnews is unpacking a batch of news it execs itself for each
article.  It seems rather inefficient for rnews to exec itself when it
is already running.  The following patch to the checkbatch routine will
cause rnews to fork a copy of itself for each article instead of doing
an exec.

I ran a performance comparison with the following results:

    old  9.6u 5.2s 0:23 63% 41+69k 80+160io 62pf+0w
    new  5.5u 3.6s 0:12 71% 68+115k 44+126io 6pf+0w

This was for a uncompressed batch consisting of 6 articles all of which
were rejected as duplicates.  (This was the only way I could get a
repeatable test.)  On systems running 4.2BSD with its slow exec the
improvement should be even better.

I have tested it with "cunbatch", "#! cunbatch", batched, and unbatched
articles.  They all seem to work OK.  I have not tested the c7batch code
though most of it is common with the compressed batch code.

I hope I haven't introduced any portability problems.  I tried to use
basic routines without Berkely frills.  I suspect some independent
review and testing is what it needs so have at it!

					Jerry Aguirre
*** ifuncs.c.orig	Thu Nov 13 15:43:26 1986
--- ifuncs.c	Wed Dec 10 15:49:11 1986
*** 1008,1077 ****
  #ifdef BATCH
!  * If the stdin begins with "#", we assume we have been fed a batched
!  * shell script which looks like this:
   *	#! rnews 1234
   *	article with 1234 chars
   *	#! rnews 4321
   *	article with 4321 chars
!  *
!  * In this case we just exec the unbatcher and let it unpack and call us back.
!  *
!  * Note that there is a potential security hole here.  If the batcher is
!  * /bin/sh, someone could ship you arbitrary stuff to run as shell commands.
!  * The main protection you have is that the effective uid will be news, not
!  * uucp and not the super user.  (That, plus the fact that BATCH is set to
!  * "unbatch" as the system is distributed.)  If you want to run a batched link
!  * and you are security conscious, do not use /bin/sh as the unbatcher.
!  * the thing to do is to change BATCH in your localize.sh file from /bin/sh
!  * to some restricted shell which can only run rnews.
  	int c;
! 	c = getc(infp);
  	if (c != EOF)
  		(void) ungetc(c, infp);
! 	if (c == '#') {
! 		char cmd[BUFLEN], unbatcher[BUFLEN], arg1[BUFLEN], arg2[BUFLEN];
! 		register char *cp;
! 		int n;
! 		reset_infp();
! 		/*
! 		 * For efficiency, try and recognize the most common
! 		 * forms of batching and exec them directly
! 		 */
! 		n = read(0, cmd, BUFLEN-1);
! 		if (n <= 0)	/* Can't happen */
! 			xerror("can't read stdin to unbatch");
! 		cmd[n] = '\0';
! 		cp = index(cmd, '\n');
! 		if (cp)
! 			*cp = '\0';
! 		/* now put stdin at the "right" place for the exec */
! 		(void) lseek(0,1L+(long)(cp - cmd), 0);
! 		if( strncmp(cmd, "#! cunbatch", 11) == 0) {
! 			(void) strcpy(unbatcher, "/bin/sh");
! 			(void) strcpy(arg1, "-c");
! 			(void) sprintf(arg2, "%s/compress -d | %s/%s",
! 				LIB, LIB, BATCH);
! 		} else if (strncmp(cmd, "#! c7unbatch", 12) == 0) {
! 			(void) strcpy(unbatcher, "/bin/sh");
! 			(void) strcpy(arg1, "-c");
! 			(void) sprintf(arg2,
! 				"%s/decode | %s/compress -d | %s/%s",
! 				LIB, LIB, LIB, BATCH);
! 		} else {
! 			(void) lseek(0, 0L, 0);
! 			(void) sprintf(unbatcher, "%s/%s", LIB, BATCH);
! 			arg1[0] = '\0';
! 			arg2[0] = '\0';
! 		}
! 		execl(unbatcher, "news-unpack", arg1, arg2, (char *)0);
! 		xerror("Unable to exec %s to unpack news.", unbatcher);
--- 1008,1215 ----
  #ifdef BATCH
!  * If the stdin begins with "#" the input is some kind of batch.  if
!  * the first line is:
!  *	#!cunbatch
!  * or
!  *	#!c7unbatch
!  * then fork off a pipe to do the either a
!  *	"compress -d"
!  * or a
!  *	"decode | compress -d"
!  * and check their output for more batch headers.  They probably
!  * contain a batch format that looks like this:
   *	#! rnews 1234
   *	article with 1234 chars
   *	#! rnews 4321
   *	article with 4321 chars
!  * If so, then for each article, copy the indicated number of chars into
!  * a temp file, fork a copy of ourselves, make its input the temp file,
!  * and allow the copy to process the article.  This avoids an exec of
!  * rnews for each article.
  	int c;
! 	while ((c = getc(infp)) == '#') {
! 	    /* some kind of batch, investigate further */
! 	    int i;
! 	    char cmd[BUFLEN];
! 	    cmd[0] = c;
! 	    fgets(cmd+1, BUFLEN, infp);
! 	    if (strncmp(cmd, "#! cunbatch", 11) == 0) {
! 		reset_infp();
! 		i = strlen(cmd);
! 		(void) lseek(0, (long)i, 0); /* position STDIN for exec */
! 		(void) sprintf(cmd, "%s/compress", LIB);
! 		input_pipe(cmd, "compress", "-d", (char *)0);
! 		continue;	/* look for the #! rnews */
! 	    } else if (strncmp(cmd, "#! c7unbatch", 12) == 0) {
! 		reset_infp();
! 		i = strlen(cmd);
! 		(void) lseek(0, (long)i, 0); /* position STDIN for exec */
! 		(void) sprintf(cmd, "%s/decode | %s/compress -d", LIB, LIB);
! 		input_pipe("/bin/sh", "news-unpack", "-c", cmd);
! 		continue;	/* look for the #! rnews */
! 	    } else if (strncmp(cmd, "#! rnews", 8) == 0) {
! 		/* instead of execing unbatch do it ourselves */
! 		register int fd, rc, wc;
! 		int piped[2];
! 		register long size, asize;
! 		char *filename;
! 		int pid, wpid, exstat;
! 		char *mktemp();
! 		long atol();
! #define CPBFSZ 8192
! 		char buf[CPBFSZ];
! 		filename = 0;
! 		do {
! 		    while (strncmp(cmd, "#! rnews ", 9)) {
! 			fprintf(stderr, "out of sync, skipping %s\n", cmd);
! 			if (fgets(cmd, BUFLEN, infp) == NULL) exit(0);
! 		    }
! 		    asize = atol(cmd+9);
! 		    if(asize <= 0)
! 			xerror("checkbatch: bad batch count %ld", asize);
! 		    fd = -1;
! 		    size = asize;
! 		    do {
! 			if (size > CPBFSZ) rc = CPBFSZ; else rc = size;
! 			rc = fread(buf, 1, rc, infp);
! 			if (rc <= 0) break;
! 			if (fd < 0) {
! 			    if (rc == asize) break; /* fits in buffer */
! 			    if (!filename)
! 				filename = mktemp("/tmp/unbnewsXXXXXX");
! 			    if ((fd = creat(filename, 0666)) < 0) {
! 				fprintf(stderr, "rnews: creat of \"%s\" failed",
! 								filename);
! 				perror(" ");
! 				exit(1);
! 			    }
! 			}
! 			wc = write(fd, buf, rc); /* write to temp file */
! 			if (wc != rc) {
! 			    fprintf(stderr, "write of %d to \"%s\" returned %d",
! 						rc, filename, wc);
! 			    perror(" ");
! 			    exit(1);
! 			}
! 			size -= rc;
! 		    } while (size > 0);
! 		    if (fd >= 0) (void) close(fd);
! 		    /*
! 		     * If we got a truncated batch, don't process the
! 		     * last article; it will probably be received again.
! 		     */
! 		    if ((rc < asize) && (size > 0)) break;
! 		    /* This differs from the old unbatcher in that
! 		     * we don't exec rnews, mainly because we ARE
! 		     * rnews.  Instead we fork off a copy of
! 		     * ourselves for each article and allow it to
! 		     * process.
! 		     */
! 		    if (rc == asize) {
! 			/* article fits in buffer, use a pipe
! 			 * instead of a temporary file.
! 			 */
! 			if (pipe(piped) != 0) {
! 			    perror("checkbatch: pipe() failed");
! 			    exit(1);
! 			}
! 		    }
! 		    while ((pid = fork()) == -1) {
! 			fprintf(stderr, "fork failed, waiting...\r\n");
! 			sleep(60);
! 		    }
! 		    if (pid == 0) {
! 			if (rc == asize) { /* article fits in buffer */
! 			    /* make the output of the pipe for STDIN */
! 			    (void) fclose(infp);
! 			    (void) close(0); /* redundant but why not */
! 			    if ((i = dup(piped[0])) != 0)
! 				xerror("dup() returned %d, should be 0", i);
! 			    (void) close(piped[0]);
! 			    (void) close(piped[1]);
! 			    infp = fdopen(0, "r");
! 			} else /* supstitute temp file as input */
! 			    freopen(filename, "r", infp);
! 			return; /* from checkbatch as if normal article */
! 		    }
! 		    /* parent of fork */
! 		    if (rc == asize) { /* article fits in buffer */
! 			wc = write(piped[1], buf, rc);
! 			if (wc != rc) {
! 			    fprintf(stderr, "write of %d to pipe returned %d",
! 							rc, wc);
! 			    perror(" ");
! 			    exit(1);
! 			}
! 			(void) close(piped[0]);
! 			(void) close(piped[1]);
! 		    }
! 		    while ((wpid = wait(&exstat)) >= 0 && wpid != pid)
! 			    ;
! 		} while (fgets(cmd, BUFLEN, infp) != NULL);
! 		unlink(filename);
! 		exit(0);	/* all done */
! 	    } else {	/* Unknown batch format? */
! 		xerror("checkbatch: unknown batch header \"%s\"", cmd);
! 	    }
! 	} /* while a batch */
  	if (c != EOF)
  		(void) ungetc(c, infp);
! }
! /* The input requires some processing so fork and exec the indicated
!  * command with its output piped to our input.
!  */
! static input_pipe(cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2)
! 	char *cmd, *arg0, *arg1, *arg2;
! {
! 	int i, pid;
! 	int piped[2];
! 	if (pipe(piped) != 0) {
! 	    perror("checkbatch: pipe() failed");
! 	    exit(1);
! 	}
! 	fflush(stdout);
! 	while ((pid = fork()) == -1) {
! 	    perror("checkbatch: fork failed, waiting");
! 	    sleep(60);
! 	}
! 	if (pid == 0) { /* child process */
! 	    /* setup a pipe such that the exec'ed process will
! 	     * read our input file and write to the pipe
! 	     */
! 	    (void) close(1);
! 	    if ((i = dup(piped[1])) != 1)
! 		xerror("dup() returned %d, should be 1", i);
! 	    (void) close(piped[0]);
! 	    (void) close(piped[1]);
! 	    execl(cmd, arg0, arg1, arg2, (char *)0);
! 	    perror("checkbatch");
! 	    xerror("Unable to exec %s to unpack news.", cmd);
! 	} else {	/* parent process */
! 	    /* make the output of the pipe for STDIN */
! 	    (void) fclose(infp);
! 	    (void) close(0); /* redundant but why not */
! 	    if ((i = dup(piped[0])) != 0)
! 		xerror("dup() returned %d, should be 0", i);
! 	    (void) close(piped[0]);
! 	    (void) close(piped[1]);
! 	    /* there should be a way to clear any buffered input
! 	     * and just replace file descriptor 0 but I can't
! 	     * find a portable way.
! 	     */
! 	    infp = fdopen(0, "r");