[news.software.b] SW Technology Transfer - Call for Papers

evelyn@sei.cmu.edu (Evelyn Brnilovich) (09/08/87)

                     C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S

       Workshop:  Transferring Software Engineering Tool Technology

                        Santa Barbara, California

                          November 15-16, 1987

In keeping with the theme of the 10th International Conference on Software
Engineering (Singapore, April 11-15, 1988), TOOLS OF A PROFESSION, this
workshop will emphasize the transfer of new software engineering tools into
routine use.  Tools may be SOFTWARE tools which are used in the
production of other software; METHODOLOGICAL tools which guide a
systematic process of software specification, design, test, etc.; or
LINGUISTIC tools which define the formalisms in which ideas and their
implementations will be expressed.  Workshop sessions will address the
concern in the software engineering community that software practices have
not improved as quickly as advances in technology would seem to have
permitted.  The workshop will convene industry practitioners, educators,
entrepreneurs, representatives of government agencies, and others who are
interested in facilitating the transfer of new software engineering concepts
and the tools that represent them.

Topics will include (but are not restricted to):

 * Methods and policies for improving software technology transfer.

 * Obstacles to tool technology transfer.

 * Experiments in using new software tools in practical environments (both
   successes and failures).

 * Technical, economical, political and psychological issues in software
   technology transfer.

 * The roles of universities, research institutions, large established
   companies, small entrepreneurial organizations, government agencies, etc.

 * Software tool technology transfer in other countries.

The workshop will be informal and highly interactive.  Attendance is by
invitation only.  Prospective participants should submit an extended abstract
of 2 to 4 pages by OCTOBER 1, 1987.  Because of strict time constraints,
no late submissions can be accepted.  The members of the program committee
will read all contributions, and notification of acceptance or rejection
will be mailed by October 10. Send submissions to:

                      Priscilla Fowler
                      Software Engineering Institute
                      Carnegie Mellon University
                      Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890



Robert Balzer, Information Sciences Institute
Les Belady, Microelectrics and Computer Technology Corp.
Barry W. Boehm, TRW
Bill Cureton, Sun Microsystems  
Larry Druffel, Software Engineering Institute
Peter Freeman, University of California, Irvine, 
               and the National Science Foundation
Priscilla Fowler, Software Engineering Institute
Bertrand Meyer, Interactive Software Engineering, Inc.
John Musa, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Ken Nidiffer, Software Productivity Consortium
Walt Scacchi, University of Southern California


Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Requested the cooperation of
     IEEE Computer Society

Corporate benefactors
     Microelectrics and Computer Technology Corp.
     Software Productivity Consortium
     Sun Microsystems