[news.software.b] patch for checkgroups

saitoh@icsts1.osaka-u.junet (SAITOH Akinori) (04/03/88)

	This is NOT an official patch.

	This is a patch for "1.24 11/4/87" version of checkgroups.

	With unauthorized   checkgroups  control  message,
	LIBDIR/newsgroups will be destroyed. To avoid this, 
	I modified checkgroups not to change "LIBDIR/newsgroups"
	but to create "LIBDIR/newsgroups.new" instead. And notify
	news system manager to update "LIBDIR/newsgroups".

	Checkgroups.sh is NOT changed but single line inserted to
	Makefile.dst and a ed-script templet file "checkgroups.ed"
	is created.

	Remember: In future ,when you get an official patch for
	checkgroups.sh, delete the inserted line in Makefile.dst.

	cd to the src directory and apply the following patch.

		SAITOH akinori (SAITOH is my family name)
Index: Makefile.dst
*** org/Makefile.dst	Tue Jan  5 18:06:08 1988
--- Makefile.dst	Sat Apr  2 01:57:19 1988
*** 362,367 ****
--- 362,368 ----
  checkgroups: checkgroups.sh Makefile
  	sed -e "s%LIBDIR%$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)%g" checkgroups.sh > checkgroups
+ 	sed -e "s%LIBDIR%$(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)%g" checkgroups.ed |ed - checkgroups
  #VMS 	/etc/unixtovms checkgroups
  sendnews.o: sendnews.c defs.h
Index: checkgroups.ed
*** org/checkgroups.ed	Sat Apr  2 01:58:29 1988
--- checkgroups.ed	Sat Apr  2 02:25:49 1988
*** 0 ****
--- 1,31 ----
+ 1
+ /^$/
+ i
+ # Modify not to automaticaly update /usr/lib/news/newsgroups.
+ # But create /usr/lib/news/newsgroups.new instead.
+ # SAITOH akinori  ; Sat Apr  2 02:05:27 JST 1988
+ # saitoh@icsts1.osaka-u.junet (saitoh%icsts1.osaka-u.junet@relay.cs.net)
+ .
+ /^fi/
+ a
+ cp LIBDIR/newsgroups LIBDIR/newsgroups.new
+ .
+ .+1,$s;LIBDIR/newsgroups;LIBDIR/newsgroups.new;
+ $
+ ?^if.*/tmp/$$out?
+ i
+ sort LIBDIR/newsgroups >/tmp/$$org
+ if sort LIBDIR/newsgroups.new | cmp - /tmp/$$org 2>&1 > /dev/null ;then
+ 	rm LIBDIR/newsgroups.new
+ else
+ 	(
+ 	echo "# LIBDIR/newsgroups should be changed." 
+ 	echo "# New newsgroups list is storeed in LIBDIR/newsgrups.new" 
+ 	echo "# You can correct this by executing the commands:" 
+ 	echo "mv LIBDIR/newsgroups LIBDIR/newsgroups.old" 
+ 	echo "mv LIBDIR/newsgroups.new LIBDIR/newsgroups"
+ 	)2>&1 >> /tmp/$$out
+ fi
+ .
+ w
+ q