(Benson Margulies) (05/17/89)
1) The 2.11 B documentation does not say much about the appropriate choice of newsgroup for control messages. As a lowly leaf administrator, ole of the last things I want to do is to propagate a control message willy-nilly. A Higher Authority clued me in to the use of the newsgroup to.SITENAME. I suggest that this be called out in big, friendly, letters. This might reduce the incidence of excaping sendsys messages. If someone would tell me the procedure, I might manage to produce an improved document. 2) the code in news/src includes apparent support for nfs clients via nfs locking and rsh. I tried two experiments: one in just using the result of compiling with NFSCLIENT everywhere, and the other just with clients. The first didn't work at all, and the second failed to queue the posts for transmission out. Is there some documentation on this someplace? 3) similiarly, there are NNTP ifdefs in the news code, but they don't seem to correspond to the current version of nntp (what is on uunet). They expect something called response_codes.h in nntp/common. 4) Can someone post an explanation of the status of C news for us leaf types? Should one plan on running it any time soon? thanks. Benson I. Margulies
bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) (05/20/89)
In article <348@odi.ODI.COM> <> writes: |1) The 2.11 B documentation does not say much about the appropriate |choice of newsgroup for control messages. As a lowly leaf |administrator, ole of the last things I want to do is to propagate a |control message willy-nilly. A Higher Authority clued me in to the use |of the newsgroup to.SITENAME. I suggest that this be called out in |big, friendly, letters. This might reduce the incidence of excaping |sendsys messages. If someone would tell me the procedure, I might |manage to produce an improved document. Enclosed below is a simple shell script which ought to help. It is predicated on the idea that the target system accepts the "to" group in its sys file. If the "to" distribution is included in its unqualified form in the entries for other systems mentioned in the sys file of the target site, then you'll get returns from them as well... /usr/lib/news/inews -t sendsys -n to.$1.ctl -d to.$1 -c sendsys </dev/null By the way, the "usa" distribution in your message ought probably to be "world", or at least "na"... Cheers, -- __ Bruce Becker Toronto, Ont. w \cc/ Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, `/v/-e BitNet: BECKER@HUMBER.BITNET _< >_ "A kinder, gentler CON..." - A. Weishaupt