[news.software.b] C News status

henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (07/05/89)

In case anyone's curious...  It will probably be another week or so before
another C News patch appears.  There are no nasty bugs known at the moment,
although there are a few small-but-annoying ones like the difference between
"inews -C ... -d ..." and "inews -d ... -C ...".  Given that there are no
disasters pushing us, we're in no big hurry (and we do get paid for doing
other things... :-)).  The biggest change on the agenda is the adoption of
dbz as our official fake dbm, but I want to read the code over carefully
first and it's probably going to be a few days before I can find time.
$10 million equals 18 PM       |     Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
(Pentagon-Minutes). -Tom Neff  | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu