[news.software.b] NNTP Server fixes for SPARC systems running 4.X.

brhoades@umn-cs.CS.UMN.EDU (Bradley D. Rhoades) (07/14/89)

	I few weeks ago I posted a message requesting help
	getting the NNTP server running on a SPARC environment
	under Sun OS 4.X.  I recently received the response that
	corrected the problem, applied the patches, and verified
	the correct operation of the server.  I now am able to
	run the "nntp" server on my Sun 4 system running 4.0.1
	in this particular case.  The problems are specific to
	the sparc implementation and are not part of the patches
	in nntp1.5.5, nor the cnews patches if you are running it.
	I am currently running both B News and C News.  

	The credit for this patch comes from Karl Kleinpaste, at the
	address below:


	Please contact Karl for the patches. I would like to
	give credit to the person responsible, and if you
	are not able to get it from Karl or do not have the
	Internet access, let me know and I will ship it to you.

	If you have the inaddr structure patches to "server/subnet.c"
	then you already have these, but I did not have them in the 
	nntp1.5.5 or cnews nntp patches and sources.  So, I would
	guess that some people may not have them.
