dave@dlb.uucp (Dave Buck) (08/16/89)
In the Bay Area, we have three similar news groups: ba.wanted, ba.market, and ba.forsale. Bozos here frequently post "For Sale: Twin-sized WaterBed" articles to all of these, plus ba.general, to get the best possible coverage. While I'm annoyed at the ba.general crosspostings, there doesn't seem to be much I can do to filter these out. However, it does seem that I can locally combine ba.wanted, ba.market, and ba.forsale into one single group, ba.market. Looking at the C News documentation, it appeared to me that this form of aliasing was handled by having the last field in the active file for ba.wanted and ba.forsale be "=ba.market". Sure enough, nothing now falls into ba.wanted or ba.forsale. That's the good news. The bad news is that an article posted into ba.wanted and ba.market winds up as two separate articles in ba.market, ba/market/6994 and ba/market/6995. The Xref header lists ba.market:6994 and ba.market:6995. I suppose this must've been the intention, but I don't like the results. Is there a better way? -- Dave Buck {amdahl,sun,megatest,plx,ardent,ubvax}!dlb!dave D. L. Buck and Associates, Inc.; San Jose, California 95119; (408)972-2825
henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (08/17/89)
In article <1989Aug16.152943.26381@dlb.uucp> dave@dlb.uucp (Dave Buck) writes: >... handled by having the last field in the active file for >ba.wanted and ba.forsale be "=ba.market". Sure enough, nothing now falls >into ba.wanted or ba.forsale. That's the good news. > >The bad news is that an article posted into ba.wanted and ba.market >winds up as two separate articles in ba.market, ba/market/6994 and >ba/market/6995... This is certainly a bit ugly; I don't think Geoff or I seriously thought about the possibility of articles being cross-posted to several groups that got =ed to the same group. It's pretty harmless if your news readers all pay attention to Xref, but it is unattractive. Is it actually causing significant problems? -- V7 /bin/mail source: 554 lines.| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology 1989 X.400 specs: 2200+ pages. | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry@zoo.toronto.edu