[news.software.b] .rnrc problem

wb8foz@ibiza.cs.miami.edu (David Lesher) (10/05/89)

I am having a problem with my .rnrc and posting.
First here is the error, via script...
********   0 unread articles in misc.test--read now? [ynq] .F

Subject: Free Beer
Distribution: local

(leaving cbreak mode; cwd=/nairobi/users/nairobi/dl)
Invoking command: Pnews -h /users/nairobi/dl/.rnhead

/bin/sh: 7546 Memory fault - core dumped

(re-entering cbreak mode)

The number on the memory error varies every time.
Here is what I know so far:
1) Commenting out this line from my .login (or renaming
.rnrc to something else) make the problem
disappear: setenv RNINIT "/nairobi/users/nairobi/dl/.rnrc"
Since this neutralizes my .rnrc file, I assume something in it
is causing the crash, but what? I have carried this file from
host to host for several years making minor changes as
2) The problem sometimes goes into remisssion by itself only
to reappear when the guru goes home;-}
3) I think the problem first showed up while changing the
.rnrc, but can't remember. The change was minor, and has since
been restored to the previous state.
4) Recompiling rrn, inews etc don't help but do waste valuable

The system is a MAC II with AUX. News comes via etherhose and
here is the mystery .rnrc:

-happarently-to -happroved -C5
-F"# " -g4 -hdistribution -hunrecognized -harticle-i.d. -hdate
-hdate-received -hexpires -hfollowup-to +hfrom +hkeywords +hlines
-hmessage-id -hnf-from -hnf-id -Hnewsgroups +horganization -hpath
-hposted -hposting-version +hreply-to -hreferences -hrelay-version
-hsender -hsummary +hsubject -hxref -M -N +r -s5 -i=15
-S -e -m +t +T -v 
-EFIRSTLINE="Article %a of %C%(%U!=^0$? (%U more to go\\))%(%M!=^0$? - [%M marked])\\n\\n"
-EATTRIBUTION="> Article %i From: %[from]\\n"
-ENAME="David Lesher"
-EYOUSAID="In your article %i of %[date], you wrote:\\n"

any ideas?
Flash! Murphy gets look and feel copyright on sendmail.cf
  {gatech!} wb8foz@mthvax.cs.miami.edu (305) 255-RTFM