jef@well.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer) (11/19/89)
Email from Brad and the posting from Karl reveal that the only reason they think there is a problem with References: %i is that their software is badly written. A competent programmer will have no difficulty handling a message tree with only immediate parent references. A competent programmer will realize that this is all he or she can reasonably depend on having. The net should not feel obliged to bear the burden of "% interp buffer overflow" and > 256 character lines just so that Brad and Karl can get by with simple but fragile code. The net is not a simple place, guys. I'm sorry, but you'll just have to adapt. I have been using References: %i for three years, everyone I have set up to use netnews uses it too, and we will continue to use it. If you don't want *your* message trees fragmented, then fix *your* software. --- Jef Jef Poskanzer {ucbvax, apple, hplabs}!well!jef "...but no sooner does he take a pen in his hand than it becomes a torpedo to him, and benumbs all his faculties." -- Samuel Johnson (Bill Fenner) (11/19/89)
In article <14619@well.UUCP> Jef Poskanzer <> writes: |If you don't want *your* message trees fragmented, then fix *your* |software. And what do I do about my feed's feed's feed, who drops every third article? -- Bill Fenner ..!psuvax1!psuhcx!wcf (1:129/87 - 814/238-9633) ..!lll-winken!/
jef@well.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer) (11/19/89)
In the referenced message, (Bill Fenner) wrote: }In article <14619@well.UUCP> Jef Poskanzer <> writes: }|If you don't want *your* message trees fragmented, then fix *your* }|software. } }And what do I do about my feed's feed's feed, who drops every third article? You are losing a third of the news and you want to complain about a few missing message-ids? You have a strange sense of priorities. Get a new feed. Better yet, get two. Then install a tree-structured news reader. *Then* you can complain. --- Jef Jef Poskanzer {ucbvax, apple, hplabs}!well!jef Close cover before striking. (Bill Fenner) (11/19/89)
In article <14624@well.UUCP> Jef Poskanzer <> writes: |In the referenced message, (Bill Fenner) wrote: |}In article <14619@well.UUCP> Jef Poskanzer <> writes: |}|If you don't want *your* message trees fragmented, then fix *your* |}|software. |} |}And what do I do about my feed's feed's feed, who drops every third article? | |You are losing a third of the news and you want to complain about a |few missing message-ids? You have a strange sense of priorities. Sorry, I suppose it wasn't clear enough that that was an exaggerated hypothetical situation. -- Bill Fenner ..!psuvax1!psuhcx!wcf (1:129/87 - 814/238-9633) ..!lll-winken!/ (Brad Templeton) (11/19/89)
It is not a matter of being a competent programmer -- let's not get insulting. It's a matter of being an efficient programmer. Yes, you can chain back through references, *if* you have gotten the whole chain (which you quite often haven't, due to dropped articles, expired articles and articles that come out of order.) But chaining back one at a time is very inefficient, even in the (more rare than you think) case where the whole chain is on your machine. Let's say I've killed tree with root <x>. You're suggesting that I either: a) For every article that comes through, chain backwards up to its root, one article at a time, to see if it's <x>, or b) Every time an article comes in that references <x> or any child of <x>, save that in the kill directory. The first is too slow to be usable, the second uses immense amounts of disk space, particularly since it is stored per user, not per site. In fact, I want to display a series of articles as a tree with an X client. Now I have to chain through dozens of already-read articles one article at a time just to see the tree? If enough people are going to be annoying and break the references line, then the only choice may well be to have rnews programs repair them as they come in. But repairs will never be perfect, particularly if *any* part of the chain gets lost. Or, in the end, the readers may have to just throw away articles that don't have a usable header. That's what humans do on the net these days. Put a subject of '<none>' or "forwarded from bitnet" or "orphaned response" on your message, and I just toss it. I haven't the time to piece through to find out what the article's about. -- Brad Templeton, ClariNet Communications Corp. -- Waterloo, Ontario 519/884-7473 (Brad Templeton) (11/19/89)
It occurs to me that if we can't stop people from breaking the references line, can we at least define a standard for indicating that info has been removed? If we *know* that the line has been truncated or removed, we can usually do some repair. And the nice thing is, only a few sites have to go about repairing, as everybody downstream gets the repaired article. For example, if there is NO references line and a "re:" subject, we know we need to repair. We can usually search for the subject in other messages in the group to find the root. Or if that fails (or in addition) we can search for things like: "In <xxx@yyy>, foo writes" to try to get the parent. Or failing that, look at included text and try to find the parent(s) with it. In other words, repair is possible -- if we know we need to do it. This is too slow a process to do on every incoming article. Unfortunately, even these repairs may not work if the parent of a References: %i article never arrives, or comes in late. Sigh. Perhaps people should use: References: <DELETED@DELETED> %i instead? or <?> or somesuch. -- Brad Templeton, ClariNet Communications Corp. -- Waterloo, Ontario 519/884-7473 (Thomas Parker) (11/20/89)
>software is badly written. A competent programmer will have no >difficulty handling a message tree with only immediate parent >references. A competent programmer will realize that this is all he Even a competent programmer cannot write software to follow a linked list where links are missing. This will be the case for news.
karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) (11/21/89)
In article <14619@well.UUCP> Jef Poskanzer <> writes: >Email from Brad and the posting from Karl reveal that the only reason >they think there is a problem with References: %i is that their >software is badly written. A competent programmer will have no >difficulty handling a message tree with only immediate parent >references. A competent programmer will realize that this is all he >or she can reasonably depend on having. The net should not feel >obliged to bear the burden of "% interp buffer overflow" and > 256 >character lines just so that Brad and Karl can get by with simple >but fragile code. The net is not a simple place, guys. I'm sorry, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >but you'll just have to adapt. > >I have been using References: %i for three years, everyone I have >set up to use netnews uses it too, and we will continue to use it. >If you don't want *your* message trees fragmented, then fix *your* >software. I'll be more than happy to modify our software (we do it all the time) when you explain how a computer can manage to mind-read when parts of a tree are lost.... and all the software has is a reference to another article WHICH HAS NOT AND NEVER DOES ARRIVE HERE. Now how does my system, or any other, figure out which thread that article belongs to? "Guessing" based on the subject line is a bad answer, as it's often user-modified, and may be repeated even when the actual subject is DIFFERENT. Hell, I can't mind-read. How can a computer manage it? My solution for now? DUMP THE OFFENDING ARTICLE. Sure, I could file it as another "base"..... but have chosen not to do that, as I'd rather have fewer articles in the message base than 50 threads all on the same subject. I've no problem with handling immediate references >if< propagation is perfect. It isn't, and that is something you are IGNORING. Bad coding? No. Operating under the (correct) assumption that articles are delayed, lost, and mangled? Yep. You aren't going to get >256 character lines if you trim the references line to ONE parent article and the BASE ITEM. You also won't get them if your software does the recommended thing with oversize lines and uses the continuation capabilities (hint: try "<tab> xxxxxx" after the first line; that's in the RFC too). Our software deals with both situations in a rational manner, and I bet Brad's does too. Blaming Brad's and my software as an example of "poor coding" is a bunch of nonsense when you can easily output something reasonable in the reference line. -- Karl Denninger (karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM, <well-connected>!ddsw1!karl) Public Access Data Line: [+1 708 566-8911], Voice: [+1 708 566-8910] Macro Computer Solutions, Inc. "Quality Solutions at a Fair Price"
jef@well.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer) (11/21/89)
Brad, normally I charge $75/hour for advice like this, but since you're being such a dick I'll make an exception. Yes, Usenet is unreliable. Yes, articles arrive out of order or don't arrive at all. That's why you *can't* do it the way you want to. The basic problem with your approach is, what do you do if the "root" arrives late or not at all? And by induction the same problem applies to the rest of the tree. You basic conceptual model of the problem is useless. You have to view it as a database problem. Look at the questions you want to ask, and figure out what kind of database you need to answer them. For instance, one question is: given a current article X and a killed message id Y, is Y an ancestor of X? The database you have designed cannot answer this question in general. It can only answer the question if Y happens to be what you think of as a "root". This is a very bad design. One database that can answer this question correctly is, given a message id, return a list of ancestor message ids. (I apologize to the audience for belaboring the obvious, but Brad seems to need a little hand-holding.) Another question that one might want answered is, given a current article X, what is the immediate parent article? Your database can only answer the less interesting question, what is the closest preceeding article that happens to be somewhere in the same "tree"? The same database mentioned two paragraphs ago can handle this query, assuming the message id lists are returned sorted. And when the question cannot be answered, it can tell you that, instead of lying. In case this slipped by you, Brad, I'll emphasize it. It is better to report a failure when a question cannot be answered than to give an incorrect answer. Then the user can decide whether to ask a more general question or not. Brad, I suggest you take a look at "nn" for a sample implementation of a database derived from netnews. --- Jef Jef Poskanzer {ucbvax, apple, hplabs}!well!jef "How's it goin', eh?"
jef@well.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer) (11/22/89)
In the referenced message, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM (Karl Denninger) wrote:
}My solution for now? DUMP THE OFFENDING ARTICLE.
Posting 1:
From: joe
Subject: Cows
Message-Id: <23@kudu.uucp>
Posting 2:
From: bob
Subject: Re: Cows
Message-Id: <666@elk.uucp>
References: <23@kudu.uucp>
Tell us, Karl, what your oh so robust software will do if posting 2 happens
to arrive before posting 1?
Jef Poskanzer {ucbvax, apple, hplabs}!well!jef
"We are all here on earth to help others. What I can't figure out is
what the others are here for." -- W. H. Auden (Amanda Walker) (11/22/89)
In article <>, (Thomas Parker) writes: > Even a competent programmer cannot write software to follow a linked > list where links are missing. This will be the case for news. Even aside from this pragmatic issue, there's another issue here that has been peeking out from underneath Brad's & Karl's comments. If a perfectly valid news article causes RN to have problems, then a good thing to do is to fix RN, *whatever workarounds may exist at the moment*. Trimming the references line is just that: a workaround to a BUG in RN that makes RN sensitive to line lengths. It seems to be the case that other software has the same problem (BITNET gateways, etc.), and this may mean that fixing RN is not enough. Perhaps we should change rnews & inews so that they wrap (not truncate) long header lines to 80 (or 256, or whatever) columns. Jeff's version of the References line makes the problem invisible for most people, but it doesn't solve it. Eliminating References altogether would also make the problem invisible for most people, too... Amanda Walker InterCon Systems Corporation --