[net.lang.lisp] Listing recently defined functions in Franz Lisp

ian@loral.UUCP (Ian Kaplan) (09/14/85)

    Could some kind person out there in net land please tell me how
    to get a list of functions defined during the current lips session 
    in Franz list.  From reading the UC Berkeley documentation I know 
    that I can use pretty printing to print the functions by name, 
    one by one.   This is tedious however and it would be nice if there
    were and easier way.

    For a novice Lisp programmer like myself the UC Berkeley documentation
    is difficult.  Is there any better documentation available?

    Thank you for your help,

		     Ian Kaplan
		     Loral Data Flow Group
		     Loral Instrumentation
		     (619) 560-5888 x4812
	     USENET: {ucbvax,decvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdcc6!loral!ian
	     ARPA:   sdcc6!loral!ian@UCSD
	     USPS:   8401 Aero Dr. San Diego, CA 92123

hestenes@sdcsla.UUCP (Eric Hestenes) (09/15/85)

>     For a novice Lisp programmer like myself the UC Berkeley documentation
>     is difficult.  Is there any better documentation available?
> 		     Ian Kaplan
> 	     USENET: {ucbvax,decvax,ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdcc6!loral!ian
> 	     ARPA:   sdcc6!loral!ian@UCSD

Lispcraft by Robert Wilensky ( Norton ) is an excellent book
designed both for tutoring lisp and, in particular, documents
with many examples the many features of franz. This document
is an essential for franz users.

Eric Hestenes
Institute for Cognitive Science, C-015
UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093
arpanet: hestenes@nprdc.ARPA
other: ucbvax!sdcsvax!sdcsla!hestenes or hestenes@sdcsla.UUCP