[net.lang.lisp] another timer for Franzl

ernst@boring.UUCP (11/01/85)

	Some time ago there were some timers on the net for FranzL. So I
have dug up mine & polished it a bit. Though not a real profiler, it is useful
at least to me. It is called "time" and it has 1 to 4 arguments which are
passed evaluated:

	First arg.: the expression to be timed;
	Second . .: the number of times the first arg is to be evaluated;
	Third  . .: a file to print the timing-results to;
	Fourth . .: sets gcdisable, so that you can influence gc.

	Only the first argument is required, the other three are optional
and their default values are:

	Second: 1
	Third : t (terminal)
	Fourth: nil (gc enabled)

	The value of the timer is the value of the first argument. If you ask
more than one evaluation, then mean, standard deviation and 95%
confidence-interval are printed, assuming data are normally distributed:

$ lisp
Franz Lisp, Opus 38.79
Date built: Tue Dec 18 00:49:48 1984.

-> (include time)
[fasl time.o]
-> (setq l (do ((i 128 (1- i)) (l '() (cons '() l))) ((= i 0) l))
	 a (array t nil 128))
-> (length l)
-> (time '(nth 127 l) 100)
466.7/100 = 4.67 ms; stdev(N-1) = 8.9 ms; 95% conf.intv: 2.9 .. 6.4 ms;
real: 1/100 = 0.01 sec.
-> (time '(eval (arrayref a 127)) 100)
50.0/100 = 0.5 ms; stdev(N-1) = 2.9 ms; 95% conf.intv: 0.0 .. 1.1 ms;
real: 1/100 = 0.01 sec.

	If you are unhappy with the assumption that the data collected by
the timer are normally distributed, Jain & Chlomtac (CACM 28(10), (Oct.
1985), pp 1076-1085) describe their P**2 algorithm that may be used
efficiently for distribution-free parameter-estimation. I have not tried it
myself, though. Anyway, here is my timer which assumes normally distributed
processing times:

; Tue Aug 13 16:54:57 1985
(declare (macros t)
	 (special $gcprint $gccount$ gcdisable)
	 (localf time:mean time:stdev))

(defun round (n &optional (precision 0))
 (times (fix (plus 0.5 (times n (expt 10 precision))))
	(expt 10 (minus precision))))

(defun ticks-to-msec (ticks &optional (prec 1) (Hz 60.0))
 (round (times 1000.0 (quotient (float ticks) Hz)) prec))

; Thu Aug  2 17:30:19 1984
(defun time:mean (file score n time-unit)
 (format file "~D" score)
 (and (>& n 1)
	(format file
		"/~D = ~D"
		(fix n)
		(round (quotient (float score) n) 2)))
 (format file " ~A" time-unit))

(defun time:stdev (file sum-sq sum N)
 (let* ((fsum (float sum))
	(fsum-sq (float sum-sq))
	(mean (quotient fsum N))
	(stdevN1	; stdev(N-1)
	 (sqrt (quotient (difference fsum-sq (times mean mean N)) (sub1 N))))
	(stdevN		; stdev(N)
	 (sqrt (difference (quotient fsum-sq N) (times mean mean))))
	(conf-const	; constant for computation of 95% confidence interval
	 (quotient (times 1.96 stdevN) (sqrt N))))
  (format file
	"; stdev(N-1) = ~D ms; 95% conf.intv: ~D .. ~D ms;~%"
	(ticks-to-msec stdevN1)
	(ticks-to-msec	; 0 is the (asymptotically valid) minimum.
	 (let ((min (difference mean conf-const))) (cond
	  ((minusp min) 0.0)
	  (t min))))
	(ticks-to-msec (plus mean conf-const)))))

(defun time (term &rest options)
 (let  ((gc-count	$gccount$)
	(proc-ticks	0)
	(sum-sq		0)
	(real-time	0)
	(gc-ticks	0)
	(rt0		0)
	(rt1		0)
	(pt0		0)
	(pt1		0)
	 (let ((n (car options))) (cond
	  ((or (not (numberp n)) (lessp n 1)) 1)
	  (t n))))
	 (let ((f (cadr options))) (cond
	  ((or (null f) (eq f 't)) 't)
	  ((atom f)
	   (format f "~&~S:~%" `(time ',term . ,options))
	  (t 't))))
	(gcdisable	(caddr options)))
  (do  ((i n (1- i))
	(value 'nil))
       ((=& i 0)
	(let ((gc-s (- $gccount$ gc-count))
	      (nf (float n)))
	 (format file "~&")
	 (time:mean file (ticks-to-msec proc-ticks) nf 'ms)
	 (cond ((>& n 1) (time:stdev file sum-sq proc-ticks nf))
	       (t (format file "; ")))
	 (and	(>& gc-s 0)
		(progn	(format file "gc: ")
			(time:mean file (ticks-to-msec gc-ticks) gc-s 'ms)
			(format file "; ")))
	 (format file "real: ")
	 (time:mean file real-time nf 'sec)
	 (format file ".~%")
       (let (($gcprint 't))		; print every gc.
	(setq	rt0	(sys:time)
		pt0	(ptime)
		value	(eval term)
		pt1	(ptime)
		rt1	(sys:time)))
       (let ((ticks (- (- (car pt1) (car pt0)) (- (cadr pt1) (cadr pt0)))))
	(setq	proc-ticks	(+ proc-ticks ticks)
		sum-sq		(+ sum-sq (expt ticks 2))
		real-time	(+ real-time (- rt1 rt0))
		gc-ticks	(+ gc-ticks (- (cadr pt1) (cadr pt0))))))))

(putprop 'time 't 'version)

					Ernst van Waning.
				or:	ernst%uva.uucp@seismo.arpa