[news.software.b] another sys file question

jgabriel@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Juan Gabriel Ruiz Pinto) (02/08/91)

   Hi all,

     I read at the B-news documentation, we can especify in the sys file
  the articles I don't want to receive. I'm using the follwing line for
  my host, but it don't works, the negated groups still coming! 


     Maybe I should use just the groups I want, instead 'all'? I'm
  using B-News 2.11.19.

     I'll apreciete your help!
*****   Greetings from Mexico!   *****
Juan Gabriel Ruiz Pinto                   Internet:
Ing. Sistemas Electronicos                jgabriel@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx
I.T.E.S.M. Campus Monterrey