[news.software.b] Modified c-news 'newgroup' in comp.sources.misc

news@iddth.id.dk (Nick Sandru (news adm)) (02/25/91)

A modified 'newgroup' for c-news (patch 7-sep-90) has been posted in 
comp.sources.misc. The new 'newgroup' allows the newsadm to control 
the creating of new groups and to reject bogus 'newgroup' controls.

If the newsadm wants the group to be created, the new 'newgroup' will 
also collect the articles which may have come after the 'newgroup' 
control message.

Long Haired Nick

| Nick Sandru (alias Long Haired Nick)   | Backpacker's First Law:
| Hoje Topholm 37    | e-mail:           | "The thing you need lies either
| DK-3390 Hundested  |  ns@iddth.id.dk   |  in the bottom of your backpack,
| Denmark            |  ns@iddth2.id.dk  |  or in a closet at your home..."