[net.lang.lisp] LOOPS Software Needed

asami@kddlab.UUCP (TOHRU ASAMI ) (12/07/85)

One of the members of our labs. are starting to use XEROX 1100 or
INTERLISP-D. He wants to know if the LOOPS programs are available,
(commercally or personally). If you know who to contact with on 
this matter, could you please send me a mail? My address is as follows:

	{seismo, ihnp4, hplabs, gould9, mcvax}!kddlab!asami (UUCP)

Tohru Asami
First Special Lab.
R&D Labs.
KDD International Telegraph and Telephone Co., Ltd.
8-1, Otemachi 1-chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100

Tel: +81 3 241 6732