[news.software.b] "unbatcher out of synch" error

kmcvay@oneb.wimsey.bc.ca (Ken McVay) (04/11/91)

After a month of successful C News execution, last night's errlog produced:

/usr/lib/newsbin/relay/relaynews: unbatcher out of synch, tossing:   perl -e '$x = 1/20; print "Just my \$$x! (adjusted for inflation)\n"'
/usr/lib/newsbin/relay/relaynews: unbatcher out of synch, tossing:         [space reserved for clever quote]{mail your submissions}

There were quite a few of these, and I hadn't run into them before. I had
changed the system by starting mthreads (trn) from a system daemon and
rebooted - the script contains:

#	@(#) sdaemons.sh 1.2 88/05/19 

# Start mthreads daemon, for trn updates
/usr/lib/news/trn/mthreads -d30 -e2230

which also produced a trn error (which I inadvertantly zapped) which said
"interrupt <?>" where the value of <?> was either 1 or 2... I forgot to
note the time the error occured.

Can these two errors be related? I'm going to remove the system daemon
and run mthreads from cron until I hear from someone more knowledgible :-)

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