(Nigel Metheringham) (05/30/91)
I have noticed in many of the examples people give of the way to handle distributions in sys files, the basic technique is to allow all distributions, and then reject specific ones that you don't want fed to neighbouring sites. When I set news up here I started the other way round. I allow the following distributions only:- local - obvious really (department) campus - all machines on this campus uk - everything in this country eunet - all european sites world - everyone I have had a couple of complaints from users about followups to articles with distributions of (say) comp - the followups end up being kept local and not being passed on to our neighbours, and no warning is given to the submitter. My own feeling is that the newsgroup heirarchy distribution names are broken, and if you want to get stuff out of this machine then you are going to have to live with the way the system handles things. However I now feed a site who are presumably not seeing some of the news coming into our machine 'cos the distributions are wrong. What is the general view on the best way of handling this - should it be similar to the recent C-News date saga - ie force people to fix broken software, or should I be less dictatorial? FYI I am running C-News from about last september (ie so far without the date patches in!). Nigel. -- # Nigel Metheringham # (NeXT) EMail: # # System Administrator ####### Phone: +44 904 432374 # # Department of Electronics # Fax: +44 904 432335 # # University of York, Heslington, York, UK, YO1 5DD #