[net.lang.lisp] Franz Lisp -- Is it dead?

bzs@bu-cs.UUCP (Barry Shein) (03/01/86)

I refer not to Franz Inc (who I am obtaining info from) but the version
you get from UCB with sources. I have not seen any traffic on franz-friends
mailing list in months, when I tried to send something to it it seemed
like it only caused a bunch of mailer errors (tho that might mean the
list is alive tho unmaintained.) It seems that very little talk here is
about it, and when there is it appears that it's because it's just kinda
there on the system. But I did notice that a new version was put on the
4.3bsd/beta tape which included, among other things, a sun/2 build with
some sunwindows/suncore hooks.

I am trying to get it up on the SUN/3 but so far the compiler and fasl
loader seem to be all broken, I will continue banging away at this in
my limited time but I was wondering if anyone else is doing this (or
better, has done it.) There is a grad student here who would be eternally
grateful if I could get the fixes needed.

Thanks in advance. I didn't really want to start a discussion on the
relative merits of Franz, but I posted something like this and did not
get one response, posted some bug-fixes to franz-friends and never got
a response or much indication that anyone read it etc etc. Just seemed

	-Barry Shein, Boston University