(Lee Oattes) (03/23/87)
#N utmanitou #S SUN 3/160, 4.2 BSD UNIX (Sun Release 3.2) #O Dept. of Astronomy, Scarborough Campus, U. of Toronto. #C C.C. Dyer, M.J. Duncan #E utmanitou!postmaster #T +1 416 284 3318 #P 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, CANADA. M1C 1A4. #L 43 47 00 N / 79 11 15 W #R This machine is on the U of Toronto local-area network. See utcsri. #U #W utmanitou!oattes (Lee Oattes); Tue Mar 17 18:04:56 EST 1987 # utmanitou utmanitou lsuc(DEMAND)