pml@casetek.casetek.UUCP (Pat Lashley) (07/11/87)
I have reason to believe that my posting of one week ago did not make it.
If I am wrong, I apologize for the duplication.
#N casetek
#S Sun 3/160C; Sun un*x 3.2 (bsd 4.3)
#O CASE Technology, Inc.
#C PM Lashley
#E casetek!postmaster
#T +1 415 962 1440
#P 2141 Landings Drive, Mountain View, CA 94943
#W casetek!patl (PM Lashley); Tue Jun 23 19:37:41 PDT 1987
#R === This entry replaces the entry for `Holmes' (mixed case)
#R === at the same organization.
#W casetek!patl (PM Lashley); Thu Jul 2 09:00:00 PDT 1987
#U acornrc
casetek sun(DEMAND), USXCOR(DEMAND), acornrc(DEMAND)
Internet: casetek! PM Lashley
uucp: ...sun!casetek!patl CASE Technology, Inc.
arpa: Mountain View, CA 94087
>> If we had some ham, we could have some ham and eggs, if we had some eggs. <<