[net.lang.lisp] please?? XLISP1.6

mark@hyper.UUCP (Mark Mendel) (04/23/86)

I've been trying to get this for quite some time.  Can anybody post it
or mail me a copy?

I'd like to run it both on BSD4.2 & Macintosh.


Please put me on the XLISP mailing list, too.  I was waiting for
someone to post a correct address to send this request to, but it
never happened.

Thanks in advance.
Mark G. Mendel, Network Systems Corporation

broman@noscvax.UUCP (Vincent P. Broman) (04/30/86)


djz@cmu-cs-spice.arpa can receive mail, but never responds. Dan must be
dead or graduated, so let's give up on his offer to moderate INFO-XLISP
and distribute xlisp1.6 .

Please send discussions, articles, questions on XLISP to net.lang.lisp,
unless some other enthusiast wants to moderate a mailing list.

It seems that no one will admit to having a working copy of xlisp v1.6
on any machine. If I get sources, they will be ftp-able from bugs.nosc.mil,
but Betz's BBS in New Hampshire is a long way away from San Diego.

Vincent Broman, code 632,  Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA 92152, USA
Phone: +1 619 225 2365     Starship: 32d 42m 22s N/ 117d 14m 13s W
Arpa: broman@bugs.nosc.mil Uucp: {floyd,moss,bang,gould9,sdcsvax}!noscvax!broman