[news.newsites] new newsite -- schaefer

root@schaefer.MATH.WISC.EDU ( Madison Math Dept. 3B15) (02/19/89)

#N schaefer
#S AT&T 3B15; System V release 2.1.1
#O Mathematics Department, University of Wisconsin - Madison
#C Yvonne Nagel
#E schaefer!postmaster
#T +1 608 263 4189
#P 480 Lincoln Dr., Madison, WI 53706
#L 43 04 15 N / 89 24 26 W
#R Internet addresses work better than UUCP addresses on this machine.
#U dfmp1 uwmcsd4 rhesus larry
#W ynagel@math.wisc.edu (Yvonne Nagel); Thu Feb  9 10:41:33 CST 1989
schaefer	uwvax(DIRECT), dfmp1(DIRECT), VANVLECK-ETHER
#	LAN addressed user@math.wisc.edu. All users on all sites known
#	by central mail machine, math.wisc.edu. This is the preferred
#	addressing scheme.
VANVLECK-ETHER = @math.wisc.edu(LOCAL)