[news.newsites] map for castle.org

nomad@convex.com (Lee Damon) (09/23/89)

The following map is the CORRECT map for castle.org. For some reason
the UUCP Project decided that it didn't need such lines as
"castle=       castle.org" in it, so they deleted them from the
published maps.

As a result, mail sent to the legitimatly registered domain/site
castle.org bounces. As I'm sure you can guess, I'm not happy about
this. Please substitute this map for the messed-with one in
u.usa.tx.1.  Thank you.

Mel, can you explain this one? I would really like to hear it...


 ---cut here---
#N	castle, castle.org, castle.castle.org, .castle.org
#F	cs.orst.edu
#S	PC-AT ripof; ms-dos + ufgate 1.03
#O	The Castle BBS
#C	Lee V. Damon
#E	castle!postmaster
#T	+1 214 578-9737
#P	3517 Hillridge Dr., Plano, TX 75074
#L	32 52 N / 96 43 W city
#U	convex
#R	Public access BBS. call +1 214 578-9941 for access.
#W	castle!nomad (Lee V. Damon) ; Sun Sep 17 17:46:21 CDT 1989
# The Castle is the site of the fidonet.org hostmaster (castle!fidohost).
# Castle.org should be converted to a Tek Magnolia (4.2 BSD) system
# w/in a few weeks, after that time it will be a public access
# Un*x system - no charge. Call the same number to request an account.
castle	.castle.org
castle=	castle.org, castle.castle.org
castle	convex(DIRECT), egsner(DIRECT), u-word(POLLED), tlsi(DIRECT)

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---------------------------------                                      \
work: convex!nomad or nomad@convex.com        - Lee "nomad" Damon -     \
Marketing Computer Systems Administrator - Convex Corp.                / \
    "No problem, no pressure, no pain, no sweat."                     /   \