[net.lang.lisp] Tail Recursion Optimisation in Franz Lisp

russell@aimmi.UUCP (Russell A. Ritchie) (07/24/86)

Hello world,

We have Franz Lisp version 38.79, as distributed with Berkeley 4.2 UNIX.

I got sick of seeing the message 'foobar is Tail Recursive: etc'
and wrote a 'tail recursion optimiser'. It translates tail recursive
functions into simple iterative forms that don't cause NAMESTACK overflows.

Just in case anyone out there gets the wrong idea; I don't advocate iteration
over recursion but speed isn't necessarily a bad thing...

Have I reinvented the wheel?
Would anyone out there be interested in it? 


Russell A. Ritchie 				russell@aimmi.uucp (UK)
Heriot-Watt/Strathclyde MMI Unit,		russell%aimmi.uucp@mcvax 
George House,					russell!<041-552-1576>
36, North Hanover Street,

"...while it is important to avoid familiarity with the participants, 
    some intercourse will usually be necessary."

	Rule 5 - 'Interface Experimentation Manual', 
	Skank & Toadsworth, London 1984.
