[news.config] site 'amdahl' down 2/13-2/14

gam@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (Gordon A. Moffett) (02/09/88)

The site 'amdahl' will be down for repair of the air conditioning
system, beginning 12 midnight on Saturday, Feb. 13, 1988 and ending on
Sunday, Feb. 14, 1988 at  8:00am Pacific Time.
Gordon A. Moffett                             gam@amdahl.amdahl.com
+1 408 746-8287			{ames,sun,uunet,ihnp4}!amdahl!gam

Amdahl's UTS/580: the most powerful Unix system in the world!

gam@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com (Gordon A. Moffett) (02/13/88)

In article <22224@amdahl.uts.amdahl.com> I (Gordon A. Moffett) writes:
>The site 'amdahl' will be down for repair of the air conditioning
>system, beginning 12 midnight on Saturday, Feb. 13, 1988 and ending on
>Sunday, Feb. 14, 1988 at  8:00am Pacific Time.

The downtime will be extended another day, ending Monday, Feb 15, 1988
at 8:00 AM PST.
Gordon A. Moffett                             gam@amdahl.amdahl.com
+1 408 746-8287			{ames,sun,uunet,ihnp4}!amdahl!gam

Amdahl's UTS/580: the most powerful Unix system in the world!