dave@lsuc.uucp (David Sherman) (07/05/88)
19,500 Bell Canada operators and repairpeople have been on strike for a bit over a week, and no immediate end to the strike is in sight. Bell Canada serves almost all of the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and handles all long-distance calling and Datapac communications as well as local calls. Management are handling repairs, but long-distance service has been affected to some extent. Any site in Ontario or Quebec which communicates via local or long-distance phone call or via X.25 could be cut off for indetefinite periods at any time. If you have problems connecting with such a site, the problem may be related to the strike, and repairs will undoubtedly take longer than normal. David Sherman The Law Society of Upper Canada Toronto -- { uunet!mnetor pyramid!utai decvax!utcsri utzoo } !lsuc!dave