[news.config] update to site rpp386

root@rpp386.UUCP (Super user) (08/09/88)

This update reflects the name change of the `other' basis to bbx.  Please
make this change to your maps immediately to prevent mail from going
completely astray.

advTHANKSance -
- John.
#N	rpp386
#S	Wyse 386PC ; SCO Xenix 386 2.2.1
#O	River Parishes Programming
#C	John F. Haugh II
#E	rpp386!jfh
#T	+1 214 250 3311
#P	7825 McCallum Blvd, Suite 1718, Dallas TX 75252
#R	Send mail if you desire a UUCP connection
#	This machine takes anonymous mail and gives anonymous uucp requests
#	for sources.  Call +1 214 250-6272.  Startup at 2400, one break
#	for 1200.  UUCP login is anonuucp, no password.  Send mail or pick
#	up /usr/spool/uucppublic/archive for a list of available files.
#	PC-Pursuit is available into Dallas.  The exchange is TXDAL.
#U	dalsqnt pigs vector warble ninja helps aquinas bbx fmsrl7 arcoexre
#U	killer
#W	John F. Haugh II ; Tue Aug  9 07:12:41 CDT 1988
#	Local machines
rpp386	pigs(DIRECT),	mpuls1(DIRECT),	ninja(DIRECT),	vector(DIRECT),
	texsun(DIRECT),	csccat(DIRECT),	lan000(DIRECT),	sulaco(DIRECT),
	lngnck(DIRECT),	warble(DIRECT),	pollux(DIRECT),	tness7(DIRECT),
	dalsqnt(DIRECT),killer(DIRECT),	aquinas(DIRECT),arcoexre(DIRECT),
	ucmdal(DIRECT),	rrm(DIRECT),	mizarvme(DIRECT)
#	Local machines calling us
rpp386	convex(DAILY)
#	Long distance ones we call
rpp386	mjbtn(DAILY),	fmsrl5(DAILY),	atlsup(DAILY),	abpc(DAILY),
#	Long distance ones calling us
rpp386	raider(DAILY),	deincr(EVENING),wybbs(EVENING),	fmsrl7(EVENING),
	merk(EVENING),	bbx(EVENING),	tness5(EVENING),bigtex(DEMAND*2),
	scsmo1(EVENING),helps(EVENING),	ditka(DEMAND*2)
#	Private connections.  DO NOT USE THESE.  THERE IS NO REGULAR POLL!
rpp386	swbalt(DEAD)

root@rpp386.UUCP (Super user) (08/10/88)

[ there was a typo in the original posting in one of the system names which
  would have royally screwed everything. ]

this map entry reflects the name change of site basis to bbx.  please make
these changes as soon as possible.

advTHANKSance -
- john.
#N	rpp386
#S	Wyse 386PC ; SCO Xenix 386 2.2.1
#O	River Parishes Programming
#C	John F. Haugh II
#E	rpp386!jfh
#T	+1 214 250 3311
#P	7825 McCallum Blvd, Suite 1718, Dallas TX 75252
#R	Send mail if you desire a UUCP connection
#	This machine takes anonymous mail and gives anonymous uucp requests
#	for sources.  Call +1 214 250-6272.  Startup at 2400, one break
#	for 1200.  UUCP login is anonuucp, no password.  Send mail or pick
#	up /usr/spool/uucppublic/archive for a list of available files.
#	PC-Pursuit is available into Dallas.  The exchange is TXDAL.
#U	dalsqnt pigs vector warble ninja helps aquinas bbx fmsrl7 arcoexre
#U	killer
#W	John F. Haugh II ; Tue Aug  9 07:12:41 CDT 1988
#	Local machines
rpp386	pigs(DIRECT),	mpuls1(DIRECT),	ninja(DIRECT),	vector(DIRECT),
	texsun(DIRECT),	csccat(DIRECT),	lan000(DIRECT),	sulaco(DIRECT),
	lngnck(DIRECT),	warble(DIRECT),	pollux(DIRECT),	tness7(DIRECT),
	dalsqnt(DIRECT),killer(DIRECT),	aquinas(DIRECT),arcoexre(DIRECT),
	ucmdal(DIRECT),	rrm(DIRECT),	mizarvme(DIRECT)
#	Local machines calling us
rpp386	convex(DAILY)
#	Long distance ones we call
rpp386	mjbtn(DAILY),	fmsrl5(DAILY),	atlsup(DAILY),	abpc(DAILY),
#	Long distance ones calling us
rpp386	raider(DAILY),	deincr(EVENING),wybbs(EVENING),	fmsrl7(EVENING),
	merk(EVENING),	bbx(EVENING),	tness5(EVENING),bigtex(DEMAND*2),
	scsmo1(EVENING),helps(EVENING),	ditka(DEMAND*2)
#	Private connections.  DO NOT USE THESE.  THERE IS NO REGULAR POLL!
rpp386	swbatl(DEAD)