root@amyerg.UUCP (Admin) (09/21/88)
Wasn't sure whether this had ever gotten out over the net, so am resubmitting it. Please make any necessary changes in your maps. #N amyerg #S AT&T 3B2/300; UNIX V 3.1 #O Mississippi Department of Corrections #C Ewan Grantham #E amyerg!root #T +1 601 982-8340 #P 5967 Westmore Dr., Jackson, MS 39206 USA #L 49 25 N / 123 0 W city #R This is a system I have at home, but thought people might #R want to know who I worked for. Home address and number listed. #U swbatl #W amyerg!egranthm (Ewan Grantham); Tue Sep 20 19:25:00 CDT 1988 # amyerg swbatl(DEMAND) -- Ewan Grantham (601) 354-6454 ext. 452 Miss. Dept. of Corrections {}!swbatl!amyerg!egranthm (The Prison People) My bosses aren't responsible for me, and vice versa Go Saints!!!