[news.config] Map for i2ack

maps@i2ack.UUCP (Sublink maps handler) (01/21/89)

#N	i2ack
#S	SCO Xenix System V.2
#O	Sublink Headquarters - EUCON
#C	Paolo Ventafridda
#E	venta@i2ack.UUCP 
#T	+39-2-4032432
#P	Via Ottoboni 6, 20148 Milano Italy
#L	Milano, North Italy
#R      SUBLINK maps and network management  +392-4035289 
#R	Interactive logins allowed only to sysadmins. 
#R      Transatlantic link to Usenet (no fees)
#W	maps@i2ack.UUCP;  890101
i2ack = u4ack
# EUCON backbones in W. Germany
i2ack altger(DAILY+HIGH), tmpmbx(DAILY)
# Atlantic links
i2ack pyramid(DAILY/3)
# SUBLINK servers in Milano
i2ack G-SPOT(POLLED/2), deejay(DAILY/2), jackbbs(POLLED+HIGH)
i2ack warp(POLLED+HIGH), simm(POLLED+HIGH), kilsys(POLLED)
i2ack usixth(POLLED), srg(WEEKLY)

henry@garp.mit.edu (Henry Mensch) (01/24/89)

an interesting question follows:

	how will this map get included in the maps which are published
	every month?  i believe the EUNET folks control those maps,
	so obviously that won't work ...

# Henry Mensch  /  <henry@garp.mit.edu>  /  E40-379 MIT,  Cambridge, MA
# {decvax,harvard,mit-eddie}!garp!henry   /  <henry@uk.ac.sussex.cvaxa>

emv@a.cc.umich.edu (Ed Vielmetti) (01/24/89)

In article <3510@mit-amt> henry@garp.mit.edu (Henry Mensch) writes:
>an interesting question follows:
>	how will this map get included in the maps which are published
>	every month?  i believe the EUNET folks control those maps,
>	so obviously that won't work ...

well, then, you'd need an alternative map coordinator for italy.
collect all the site information and ship off the map to rutgers,
and see if Mel will publish it.

Now I don't see i2ack in the pyramid map, so I can't get there
from here automatically, but I'll put that in my local paths file
and be done with it.  Then there's the small matter of getting
maps for all of i2ack's attached sites....


ps.  looking for any Vielmettis in Italy -- my great-grandfather
Max emigrated to the U.S. in the late 1800s.

venta@i2ack.UUCP (Paolo Ventafridda) (01/27/89)

In article <7075@mailgw.cc.umich.edu>, emv@a.cc.umich.edu (Ed Vielmetti) writes:
> well, then, you'd need an alternative map coordinator for italy.
> collect all the site information and ship off the map to rutgers,
> and see if Mel will publish it.
> Now I don't see i2ack in the pyramid map, so I can't get there
> from here automatically, but I'll put that in my local paths file
> and be done with it.  Then there's the small matter of getting
> maps for all of i2ack's attached sites....
As in the signature, i am the actual map coordinator. Since we are receiving
these days a lot of subscriptions, i am just waiting for a definite situation.
I posted my map here just to let it go around a bit; i know i need to send it
to rutgers, but until things are fixed here i won't. For instance, i2ack is now
being replaced as a News Feed by "deejay", the main sponsor for SUBlink, and
the only one with a Trailblazer Plus: our 3 Trailblazer T1000 won't get here
before some time. Also on international calls, the Telebit performs pretty 
well, i.e. around 7000 bit/s using g proto. With f proto it should go much 
faster. Probably we could approach 10000 ( not a so bad line..).
Let's consider the slowest speed (7000): last night the average transfer rate
was around 80 seconds for 50+ Kbytes. On Itapac - according to what I2unix
told me - this would cost 300 Lire for each K = 15000 Lire. 
Our transfer did not cost more that 2700. If we were using f proto, i think 
we could gain the 2000< limit. This means anyway from 5 to 7 times cheaper
As far as A.Berni (postmaster@i2unix), mcvax DOES HAVE a Trailblazer too!
So..PTT is the real problem? Lets face it. We are talking about lowering down
costs 5-7 .
If all of this mess i caused on EUnet will bring the network to use faster
connections and lower down prices, i won't care too much of mail rejection.
Cause i will afford paying eunet and being an official european site.

Greets, Paolo

Paolo Ventafridda     Via Ottoboni 6,20148 Milano - Italy      Tel.+392-4032432
EUnet:blue@altger  EUcon:venta@i2ack   BANG:{pyramid,altger,tmpmbx}!i2ack!venta
SUBLINK Maps & Network management , Italy \/  "Please don't shoot the Operator"