[news.config] Changes/downtime for umich machines ...

paul@delrio.cc.umich.edu ('da Kingfish) (04/01/89)

On Tuesday, april 4, the machines mailgw.cc.umich.edu (uucpname
sharkey) and b.cc.umich.edu (uucpname shadooby) are being moved across
campus to be closer to their brethren umix and mailrus.  In addition,
mailrus will be down for a while for a disk reconfiguration.

Depending on how lucky/klutzy we are, uucp, news, and name service
could be problematic starting Tuesday afternoon.

After the move, we planned to make sharkey our news/uucp hub, and
will be talking to admins to see about moving umix and mailrus 
connections to sharkey.

Because of local personnel changes (umix!paul moving to the engineering
college and umix!emv moving to the math department) we are endeavoring
to make the ucp/news situation here easier to manage for the current crew.

