[news.config] Update for 'cseg' machine.

netnews@hcx.uucp (Netnews Administrator) (04/26/89)

Please find enclosed the newest update for the 'cseg' machine which is part of
the University of Arkansas campus network.

   - David Summers
# This entire file (except for this line) is available for public consumption.

#N	cseg
#S	AT&T 3B2/400 ; Unix System V Release 3.1 3B2
#O	Computer Science Engineering Dept., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
#C	Dr. Carl Bowling
#E	cseg!cdb
#T	+1 501 575 6519
#P	Dept. of Comp. Sci. Eng., MS EN309, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701
#L	36 04 10 N / 094 10 00 W
#R	IP Address: cseg
#R	IP Address: hcx
#R	Currently we have have 2 IBM 4381's, 7 3B2's, 1 3B15, 1 Harris HCX-7,
#R      and 1 HP 835 all attached to EtherNet.
#U	University: ageg b15 cheg cseg cveg dean eleg hcx mceg vme1 uafhp
#U	Local: fishaquar.fidonet.org (Gateway into FidoNet.ORG domain)
#U      Other (non-local): deimos.cis.ksu.edu sci386.uucp
#W	cseg!dws (David Summers) ; Tue Apr 25 19:20:00 CST 1989

# Local EtherNet connections.
uofa-net = { ageg,b15,cheg,cseg,cveg,dean,eleg,hcx,ineg,mceg,uafhp }(LOCAL)
# Non-Local EtherNet connections.
hcx	harry(DEMAND) #Mail connection to KSU
# Local UUCP connections.
cseg	actsn(POLLED), ahecnw(POLLED), fishaquar(POLLED), vme1(POLLED)
fishaquar	.fidonet.org(0)
# Non-Local UUCP connections
cseg	sci386(DAILY)