[news.config] site 'ncar' OS upgrade

woods@ncar.ucar.edu (Greg Woods) (05/23/89)

   The USENET site 'ncar' (ncar.ucar.edu and handies.ucar.edu on the
Internet) will be down over Memorial Day weekend (May 27-29) for an
operating system upgrade. Internet mail in and out of NCAR will
continue to flow as usual, to NCAR from hosts or sites that have
resolver (MX)-compatible mailers, and outbound from NCAR from internal
hosts that have MX-compatible mailers, via our backup central post
office machine (windom.ucar.edu). Mail in and out over UUCP phone links
will be unavailable during the down time. USENET news through 'ncar'
will also be blocked. MIGS (MASnet/Internet Gateway Server) will be
available via a backup MIGS server (niwot.ucar.edu). If you are a MIGS
user, contact your local system administrator. If you are a MIGS system
administrator, contact Craig Ruff (cruff@ncar.ucar.edu) for information
on how to use the backup MIGS server. The E-mail Query/Change Utility
and the MIGS defaults database (chdef) will be inaccessible during the
down time, as they are not provided on the backup machines.
  Our apologies to internal users, external users of our computing
facilities, colleagues of NCAR scientists, and our downstream news
feeds for the inconvenience this may cause, but this upgrade is LONG
overdue, and it is hoped that we can minimize the inconvenience by
doing it over the holiday weekend.
