p500vax:lance (02/10/83)
We're looking for a terminal with these features: 1. At least 40 rows and 80 columns 2. Graphics or graphics add-on 3. Monochrome 4. RELIABLE 5. Not an Ann Arbor We've checked with more than 30 manufacturers, and these requirements seem to be disjoint. I'd appreciate any hints that you can send us. Lance megatest!lance
norskog (02/10/83)
#R:p500vax:-17100:fortune:8500001:000:42 fortune!norskog Feb 9 20:14:00 1983 What's wrong with Ann Arbor Ambassadors?
zrm (02/12/83)
One hack that many have done back in the days when Ann Arbor made the only oversize terminals around is to substitute Microswitch hall effect keyboards for the Ann Arbor ones. Hall effect keyboards are the greatest thing on earth. The terminal I'm typing on now has a Microswitch keyboard salvaged from the bit-map display system on which LOGO was developed. A very nice monochrome bit map display is the BBN Bit-Graph. You can download 68000 programs to run in it for sprite-like animation, etc. As I remember the price is quite reasonable too. Cheers, Zig