[news.config] UUNET troubles

smf@SAFFRON.LCS.MIT.EDU (Stuart Freedman) (01/18/90)

I called them yesterday, and was told that there were hardware troubles
and that Sequent was supposedly on the way to fix things.  My dialing
and pinging attempts today make me suspect that it's taking a while.

Stuart Freedman			Internet:	smf@saffron.lcs.mit.edu
Interleaf, Inc.			UUCP:		uunet!leafusa!stuart
25 First Street			Voice:		+1(617)621-0800, ext. 1708
Cambridge, MA 02141		Touch-Tone:	+1(617)621-0555,1-1708

wayne@dsndata.uucp (Wayne Schlitt) (01/19/90)

In article <9001181430.AA11602@saffron.LCS.MIT.EDU> smf@SAFFRON.LCS.MIT.EDU (Stuart Freedman) writes:
> I called them yesterday, and was told that there were hardware troubles
> and that Sequent was supposedly on the way to fix things.  My dialing
> and pinging attempts today make me suspect that it's taking a while.

the death of the net as we know it is imminent!



lyndon@cs.AthabascaU.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) (01/23/90)

>I called them yesterday, and was told that there were hardware troubles
>and that Sequent was supposedly on the way to fix things.  My dialing
>and pinging attempts today make me suspect that it's taking a while.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to what effect their return will have
on the east coast regional nets? (I don't know the network topography
out there, but this looks like a good chance to see how robust your
gateway/router software is in the face of a heavy sustained load.)
Lyndon Nerenberg  VE6BBM / Computing Services / Athabasca University
     {alberta,decwrl}!atha!lyndon || lyndon@cs.AthabascaU.CA

                     UREP: Peru in disguise?