(USENET maintenance) (01/09/87)
I have read a couple of interesting tidbits that I thought I'd pass along. In January 1987 BYTE Microbytes, it mentions that several laser printer manufacturers are "turning away from Motorola's 68000 microprocessor and replaceing it in their products with members of Nation Semiconductor's 32000 family of chips, particularly the 32016 and 32032." In the January 5, 1987 issue of Communications Week, an article appears that is entitled "LAN Manufacturers Hesitant to Use Intel Corp.'s 80386". The article says that some vendors are releasing a 386 product, but others feedpt. of Atmospheric Sciences, U. of Washington Lines: 7 Keywords: emacs Approved: masscomp@soma.uucp Does anyone have a working version of Emacs for a Masscomp 5500? Has anyone implemented GNU Emacs on a Masscomp? [Unipress sells a version of emacs that runs on the Masscomp. Gnu-emacs i