[comp.text] Dvi driver for Toshiba P321

bammi@cwruecmp.UUCP (Jwahar R. Bammi) (01/16/87)

We just aquired a Toshiba P321 printer, and before jumping in with
both feet to write a Dvi driver, i thought i would ask if anyone had
already written a Dvi->P321 driver (which i belive is equivalent to a
Qume Sprint).
Alternately: We have the various Dvi to laser sources, but if i could get
a Dvi -> some dot matrix printer source, it would make my job much easier.
				As they say, thanks in advance,
usenet: .....!decvax!cwruecmp!bammi		jwahar r. bammi
csnet:       bammi@case
arpa:        bammi%case@csnet-relay
compuServe:  71515,155

kuo@skatter.UUCP (01/21/87)

In article <1831@cwruecmp.UUCP>, bammi@cwruecmp.UUCP (Jwahar R. Bammi) writes:
> We just aquired a Toshiba P321 printer, and before jumping in with
> both feet to write a Dvi driver, i thought i would ask if anyone had
> already written a Dvi->P321 driver (which i belive is equivalent to a
> Qume Sprint).
> Alternately: We have the various Dvi to laser sources, but if i could get
> a Dvi -> some dot matrix printer source, it would make my job much easier.
> 				As they say, thanks in advance,
> -- 
> usenet: .....!decvax!cwruecmp!bammi		jwahar r. bammi
> csnet:       bammi@case
> arpa:        bammi%case@csnet-relay
> compuServe:  71515,155

Doesn't the P321 emulates an Epson? There are dvi drivers for Epson printers
(don't know if there is any in the PD though-- I would be interested in
getting a copy of the source if there is one around).

p.s. if your dvi->laser sources PD? If so, I would be interested in getting
     a copy. Thanks in advance!
Peter Kuo                    Bitnet (VMS address)    : KUO@SASK
Accelerator Laboratory              (UUCP address)   : "skatter!kuo@sask.uucp"
(a.k.a. The Beam Warehouse)
Univ. of Saskatchewan          uucp (unix address)   : !ihnp4!sask!skatter!kuo
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan             (Bitnet address) : !ihnp4!sask.BITNET!kuo
Tel. (306) 966-6059

[Disclaimer: all the standard stuff.]