gert@uvabick.UUCP (Gert Hulstein) (03/15/87)
Does anybody know of a Public Domain troff PostScript driver ? Please drop me a note if you can help me with this. Thanks. Gert Hulstein @ Amsterdam University mcvax!gert@uvabick.UUCP
stephenf@elecvax.UUCP (03/23/87)
Yes, there is a freely available troff PostScript driver. I wrote it over a year ago and posted it to net.sources. However, since then I have moved to the private sector and the company I work for sells a much better version (download fonts and all sorts of other goodies). You can probably get a copy of the original version from somewhere close by. I know that it is in use in the US, Norway, Germany and Japan, so it shouldn't be too hard. Incidentally, the new version sells for A$1K (US$800) and has features that most other commercial versions lack, including Transcript (like memory management - it will print an unlimited no. of downloaded fonts on a page). Regards, - Stephen Frede Softway Pty Ltd Phone +61 2 698 2322 P.O. Box 305 Fax +61 2 957 6914 Strawberry Hills Telex AA27987 softway.oz AUSTRALIA UUCP ...!seismo!softway.oz!stephenf