[comp.text] Preloading Texinfo. Help wanted.

seindal@diku.UUCP (Rene Seindal) (07/10/87)

I have tried to make a version of TeX with the texinfo macros
preloaded, but I ran into at least two problems.  First, all the
cross-referencing files was made the second time I ran initex (see
below), and second, undump failed to create an executable file (it has
an empty data segment and naturally it dumps the core if I try to
execute it).

Can these problems be fixed easily?  I know it requires some changes
to the texinfo macros, but which changes.  Does there exist a version
of texinfo, which can be preloaded.  Mine is version 1.0, taken from
the 18.41 emacs distribution.

I used these commands.  Is it correct?  They were run on a VAX 11/785
running 4.3, using TeX version 2.0.

initex plain '\dump'
cp plain.fmt /usr/lib/tex/macros
initex \&plain texinfo @dump
cp texinfo.fmt /usr/lib/tex/macros
virtex \&texinfo @read 0 to @blort		# terminated by SIGQUIT
undump texinfo /usr/new/virtex core


Rene' Seindal (seindal@diku.UUCP).
The Computer Department, Institute of Datalogy, U. of Copenhagen.