I would like to write a macro in TeX (or LaTeX) for including an illustration in a body of text. The bitmap for the illustration would be included with a \special command, and I would know the height and width of the bitmap. The question then is how does one leave a proper sized "notch" in the right or left side of the text and then direct TeX to situate the illustration so that it fits in the notch? The text would fill the space to the left (or right) of the illustration. How does one do this? How does one create a notch of the cor- rect height (in inches say) in the text? Thanks, Tom Sherlock. Arpanet: Csnet: sherlock%uiucuxe@uiuc.csnet Bitnet: sherlock@uiucuxe Usenet: {inhp4,pur-ee}!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!uiucuxa!uiucuxe!sherlock
lamy@utegc.UUCP (08/09/87)
The question is how to put an illustration alongside text. Using dvi2ps, you would proceed as follows. a) Use a TeX parshape or fiddle with the margins to create the notch. See \narrower in the TeX book, or use a "list" environment in LaTeX. b) Use \special at the very beginning of the paragraph, specifying vertical and horizontal offsets to position the bitmap properly. Normally I presume that the horizontal offset would be the width of the column plus a little. dvi2ps overlays the illustration on top of your TeX output. In effect the \special inclusion does not take any room, as far as TeX is concerned. Positioning the \special at the beginning of a paragraph makes life a little easier, as otherwise you have to guess where TeX breaks lines and so on. Jean-Francois Lamy (CSnet,UUCP,Bitnet) AI Group, Dept of Computer Science lamy@ai.toronto.cdn (EAN X.400) University of Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4 {seismo,watmath}!!lamy