[comp.text] Latex and lists - help

terry@calgary.UUCP (Terry Heintz) (12/07/87)

I have a problem with latex and producing list the way I want. What
I want to do should be easy, but I cannot figure it out.

What I want is to have the item separation the same on many levels
of the list. I have set \parsep and \itemsep to 0cm, but the second
level seems to want to ignore these values.  Question: How do I access
these values at the second level?  I will provide an example below
of the list using itemize, when run thru latex you see a distinct
separation difference between level 1 and 2.
If this cannot be done with itemize, how do I do it using either
list or even better a newenvironment.  I would also like the 
first level with bullets and the second level with dashes, which is
why I started with itemize in the first place.

	Thank you
	Terry Heintz
	University of Calgary

	UUCP  calgary!terry

%  =============  TryThis.tex ================
\setlength{\textheight}		{9.5in}
\setlength{\textwidth}		{6.0in}
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}	{0.0cm}
\setlength{\evensidemargin}	{0.0cm}
\setlength{\marginparsep}	{0.0cm}
\setlength{\marginparwidth}	{0.0cm}
\setlength{\topmargin}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\headsep}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\headheight}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\footheight}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\footskip}		{0.0cm}

\setlength{\itemindent}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\itemsep}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\topsep}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\parsep}		{0.0cm}
\setlength{\parskip}		{0.0cm}

This is an example where one cannot seem to change the item separation
of the list. I have set parsep to 0, so this makes the paragragh separation
very small. Itemsep is added to parsep to get the total separation.

 \item This is the first item to be made. It should have the next item
 	right after it. For some reason, item 1a does not do this.
   \item This is item 1a where it should be indented and
         should of course be the same separation as other items on the
	 upper level.
   \item This is item 1b. It should be the same distance from 1a as
   	 items 2 thru to 4.
   \item This is item 1c. Again the distance should be correct. How do we
   	adjust the itemsep for this level
   \item This is item 1d.
   \item This is item 1e, and is the last item before we go to item 2.
 \item This is item 2. It should be the same space as item 2 is from item 3.
 \item This is item 3. It should have an itemsep of 0.
 \item This is item 4 This one is here to really show what the item spaceing
	should be.
 \item This is the last item and here ends the example.

% ================ end trythis.tex =======

jamey@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (Jamey Hicks) (12/09/87)

> What I want is to have the item separation the same on many levels
> of the list. I have set \parsep and \itemsep to 0cm, but the second
> level seems to want to ignore these values.  Question: How do I access
> these values at the second level?  I will provide an example below
> \setlength{\itemsep}		{0.0cm}

The problem is that you are setting \itemsep at the top level, but the
\Itemize environment is built from the \List environment.  When a \list
is begun, one of the macros \@listi, \@listii, \@listiii, or \@listiv
are called.  These set the values of \itemsep to a default value (which
is in the appropriate .sty file).  A simple way to adjust this value
without writing your own \itemize environment is:

	{\begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{0.0 cm}}

You can even make this parameterized so that the desired \itemsep is an
argument to the \myitemize environment.  Other dimensions can be set in
this command also.

If you have trouble with \newenvironment (I always do, maybe I should
read the LaTeX manual on this command!) then you can use:

\def\myitemize{\begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{0.0 cm}}

Happy LaTeXing!

Jamey @xn.ll.mit.edu